Exceptional Talent visa (Tier 1)
The Tier 1 Exceptional Talent category is for non-EEA nationals who are internationally recognised as world leaders in their field (exceptional talent) or recognised as having the potential to become world leaders in the future (exceptional promise). The range of industries covered by this category include: the sciences, engineering, technology, arts & humanities. And within these fields, a broad number of roles are supported. In order to qualify for this visa, you will need to apply to the Home Office for endorsement as a leader or an emerging leader in your particular field. After you get your endorsement, the earliest you can apply for a visa is 3 months before you travel. You can stay in the UK for up to 5 years and 4 months if you apply outside the UK and 5 years if you apply inside the UK.
You can choose how long you want to apply for, up to the maximum time allowed. You can apply to extend this visa for up to another 5 years. You can apply for settlement once you’ve been in the UK for 3 years with an exceptional talent visa or 5 years with an exceptional promise visa. You can also bring your family members with you.
The aim of this category, as discussed by the Home Office, is to ‘enrich the United Kingdom’s knowledge economy and cultural life’. And so the candidate must be endorsed by either: The Royal Academy of Engineering, The British Academy, UK Research and Innovation, Arts Council England or The Royal Society.
Following this, the candidate will be able to make their application. This category is an extremely complex process, and will require the guidance of our expert solicitors in matters relating to appropriate documents and information, in order to see the candidate have the best chance of approval.
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