Sponsor Licence
In order to obtain a sponsor licence, you will need to satisfy UK Visas and Immigration that:
– Your company is a genuine organisation operating lawfully in the UK.
– You are honest, dependable and reliable.
– You are capable of carrying out your sponsor duties and evidencing your compliance in an appropriate timeframe and manner.
– If you are applying under Tier 2 (General), you can offer genuine employment that meets the Tier 2 (General) skill level and appropriate rates of pay.
In order to establish that you are a genuine organisation operating lawfully in the UK, you will need to submit a number of company-related documents. The exact documents will depend upon the type of organisation that you are and the tiers that you wish to sponsor migrants under.
UKVI will assess whether you are honest, dependable and reliable by looking at your history and background, as well as that of the key personnel named on your application and any people involved in the day to day running of your business.
UKVI will examine your current human resources and recruitment practices in order to make sure that you are able to fulfil your sponsor duties.
Under the genuineness test, UKVI will look at the role that you are seeking to recruit foreign nationals for, and the extent to which this role fits within your organisation as a whole.
Your submission to the Home Office must also include evidence of compliance with the Resident Labour Market Test (RLMT), if the role requires one.
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